suggestion for vitamin which is effective for health , describe clearly about vitamin B ,Vitamin E ,Vitamin B ,Vitamin C ,Vitamin A ,Vitamin E ,vitamin D etc.
Friday, April 27, 2012
How vitamins affect our hair?
Vitamin B2 This vitamin is healthy hair look. Hair quickly become greasy at the roots and ends at the same time remain dry, talk about a lack of vitamin B2. Found in dairy products, meat, liver, in the bread.
Vitamin B3 is responsible for the formation of the pigment of hair. With a lack of this vitamin hair starting to go gray early, disturbed hair growth. Found in liver and beef, as well as brewer's yeast, in peanuts, in whole grains, in fish.
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) plays an important role in the life of the body, strengthens the immune system, affects the hair. The source of this vitamin - liver, chicken, bran, egg yolks, brewer's yeast, broccoli, whole grains, peanuts.
Vitamin B6. Lack of this vitamin causes itchy, dry scalp, dandruff. Source - chicken, fish, pork, liver, kidney, soy, eggs, nuts, whole grains, vegetables, bananas, potatoes, cabbage.
Vitamin B10 helps fight early gray and maintain normal hair color. Source - fish, dairy products, egg yolks, brewer's yeast, nuts, rice, potatoes.
Vitamin B12 (kolabamin) plays an important role in maintaining good health and hair growth. Lack of this vitamin can cause itchy, dry scalp, patchy baldness. Found in foods of animal origin, egg yolks and dairy products.
Vitamin C supports capillaries, improves circulation of the scalp, strengthens hair follicles, which is important to prevent hair loss. Contained in black currants, rose hips in, in cabbage (more in fermented) in citrus.
Vitamin A (retinol) is useful in dry and brittle hair, restores damaged hair structure, making them more flexible. Present in butter, liver, fish, egg yolks, dried apricots, sea-buckthorn, blackberry, gooseberry, mountain ash and carrots.
Vitamin E improves circulation, strengthens the immune system. Lack of this vitamin affects hair growth and may result in their loss. Contained in seeds, nuts and sunflower oil.
Physical and Chemical Properties of vitamin K
Vitamin K 1 is a light yellow oil which crystallized at -20 ° and boils at 115-145 ° in a vacuum. This substance is soluble in chloroform, ethanol and other organic solvents. Its solution absorbs UV rays. Thus, in petroleum ether absorption maxima are at a wavelength equal to 243, 249, 261, 270 and 325 nm. In this series the greatest optical density ( = 420) Vitamin K shows at 249 nm.
Vitamin K 2 - yellow crystalline powder with a melting point 54 °, which dissolve in organic solvents. It has spectra similar to those of vitamin K 1, but less intensely absorbing UV rays. For example, in petroleum ether its absorption maximum is at 248 nm and is = 295.
Vitamin K 3 is a lemon-yellow crystalline substance with a characteristic odor. The melting point of 160 °. It is poorly soluble in water, due to lack of its long hydrocarbon molecule chains.
Daily requirement of vitamin K
The need for vitamin K in infants is in the early days of 12.10 mg.Modern mixtures containing about 4 mg of vitamin K per 100 calories, which under normal circumstances would be sufficient to meet the needs of the body.
In 1929, Danish scientist Henrik Dam (Henrik Dam) describe beriberi in chickens that were on the synthetic diet. The main feature of it was haemorrhage - bleeding in the subcutaneous tissue, muscle and other tissues. Add yeast as a source of vitamins B, and fish oil, rich in vitamin A and vitamin D, does not eliminate the pathological phenomena. It turned out that the healing effect with grain cereals and other plant products. Substances which cure hemorrhages, were named vitamin K, vitamin or coagulation, because it was found that bleeding in the experimental birds, for example, associated with decreased ability of blood to clot.
Edward Doyzi in 1936, tried to identify with stops plant opened in 1929, Danish biochemist Henrik Dame vitamin called it vitamin K (from the English «koagulations» - clotting). None of yarrow or with plantain then select the vitamin failed. As it turned out later, there was a small amount.
In 1939, the laboratory Carrera was first isolated from alfalfa vitamin K, was named filohinon. That same year, Binkley and Doyzi received from rotting fish meal with substance antyhemorahichnoyu action, but with other properties, the preparation isolated from alfalfa. This factor received the name of vitamin K 2 in contrast to the vitamin from alfalfa, called vitamin K 1.On top Doyzi synthesized artificial vitamin K 3 - medion.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Of vitamin K is needed, therefore, osteocalcin gammakarboksylaatiossa, but also vitamin K has been shown to influence the bone in an independent manner. Derived from the diet in quantities of vitamin D benefits bones seem to largely be explained by the former which in effect, but especially when used at pharmacological doses, also come into play with vitamin K2 other benefits.In vitro studies have shown that vitamin K2 forms, at least MK-4 and MK-7 osteoblastispesifisten affect gene expression. In addition, MK-7 increases osteoblast differentiation, and it has also been shown to inhibit ovariectomy induced bone loss in rats.
Vitamin K for bone health, thanks to that it might improve some bone density, but also to improve the quality of the bone. D supplementation and bone matrix mineralization osteosyyttien differentiation, and thus considered to be reliably established that vitamin D has an impact on the structural and cellular factors that affect bone strength.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Vitamin B against winter ailments
We have reiterated many times during seasonal illness, more or less serious or less serious or not, one of the things we need help in avoiding the pain to take care of our power . All says that doctors and nutritionists. It is vitamin B, including all the vitamins, one should more food we eat. Especially children and young people requiring regular use of vitamin B for their growth. A lack of vitamin B causes, in fact, the failure to convert food into energy. The vitamin is the key to changing food into fuel, to bring their day-to-day activities.
The B vitamins found in many foods, including fruits and vegetables, fish, meat and milk. But do not have the same role in our metabolism:
·Vitamin B3 and B5 promote targeted protection defense against digestive disease that affects the nose, ear and throat;
·Vitamin B6 occurs, instead, the production of DNA and proteins which later form the antibodies;
·Vitamin B9 or folic acid helps prevent respiratory infections especially in children.
It follows then, that the lack of one or more of the vitamins, which act in synergy and as a team, can cause serious defects in the immune system, thus impairing the body's natural defense of our body . We must remember, then, that the vitamin B complex works synergistically with vitamin C, because it also protects our immune system works. Unfortunately, not always, however, was not included as these two vitamins supply power and at times must necessarily resorting to other types of integration.
An apple a day may keep us from becoming sick because of the vitamin C, but vitamin C is also important for the health and quality of our skin. If you are surprised to hear that the Vitamin C skin care is becoming all the rage lately, do not. There are a couple of great reasons why vitamin C skin care products are on the rise, such as:
It is a natural antioxidant. What does it mean for you? This means that your skin is protected by the pollutants,toxins and other environmental factors that can be damaging to our skin and causes it to age prematurely. Vitamin C for our skin, much as its within our bodies, acts as a kind of "first defense" against the toxins.
It contains collagen. Collagen, as most women are aware by now, is an ingredient that can help prevent the appearance of aging. Vitamin C is important because it facilitates the creation, maintenance, and stability of collagen. So if you want the collagen in your body to perform properly, be sure to get a healthy dose of vitamin C
Now before you invest in a bag of oranges and apples to eat to help improve your skin, remember that although vitamin C is important in the body, when you ingest products with vitamin C your skin will not reap the benefits of Vitamin C as it would be the vitamin C is applied topically to the skin.
Eat lots of vitamin C really does not boost the level of vitamin C that reaches your skin. That is why it is important to invest in skin care products vitamin C so you can reap the benefits of this important vitamin.
Except with the anti-aging properties, include some other benefits to vitamin C skin care:
- Natural sunscreen protection against UVA and UVB rays
- Reducing the redness of the skin (this is great for those with rosacea)
- Avoiding the creation of abnormal skin cells, thus reducing your risk of skin cancer
In summary, using a Vitamin C skin care products are really the true age of the fighter as prevent signs of aging in a natural and effective way.
If you are interested in trying the Vitamin C skin care products, why not try making your own? You can make your very own vitamin C skin care treatments with only a little vitamin C powder (any where from 1/8 to ¼ of a teaspoon) and aloe vera gel. Take one of aloe vera gel dopple and add powdered vitamin C.
Once you have mixed the two ingredients in each one, apply it in your face as you would any skin cream. You can use this skin care vitamin C treatment in the morning or at night before you go to bed. It is also a good aftershave lotion that for men and women alike, so be sure to share the saving skin secret to your wife.
aloe vera gel,
Vitamin C
Breastfeeding and Vitamin D
Vitamin D helps your baby develop strong bones. Sunlight can be a major source of vitamin D, but it is difficult to measure how much sunlight your baby is getting. Things like where you live, the amount of pigment in the skin of your baby, how much time your baby during the day, and the use of sunscreens all affect how much vitamin D the body of your Babies can make from sunlight.
The AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) suggests that all children, including those who exclusively breastfed and those who are fed formula, with at least 200 International Units (IU) of vitamin D per day, beginning within the first two months of life . The amount of vitamin D should be continued throughout childhood and adolescence. You can buy vitamin D supplement for children in a drug store or grocery store. Talk to your baby's doctor to ensure that your baby is getting the right amount of vitamin D.
What are the vegetables that are rich in vitamin A?
Horseradish, vine called malabar nightshade, sweet potato leaves, spinach, pechay, taro leaves, chili, saluyot, ampalaya, string beans, carrots, squash, tomatoes, monggo horseradish and bitter are rich in vitamin A
What are the foods rich in vitamin C?
Guava, red bell pepper, papaya, orange juice, orange, pineapple, broccoli, green bell pepper, kohlrabi, strawberries, Grapefruit, cantaloupe, tomato juice, mango, TANGERINE, potato, raw cabbage, tomato, collard greens, spinach, brussel sprouts , turnip greens, cauliflower, blackberries, blueberries, acerola (West Indian cherry-like fruit) are rich in vitamin C.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Vitamin C taken orally is not effective enough?
Absorbed about 70% of vitamin C taken by mouth. When the amount of nutrition or as a supplement high absorption rate is reduced. For this reason, small amounts needed to be taken by mouth is more accurate. Moreover, vitamin C, heat, light, and quickly lose their effectiveness is found in contact with air, caution should be exercised in this regard. Parenteral (intravenous) route taken will not decrease the effectiveness of 100%, and much more effective than blood may get involve
Why is it important for the body of vitamin C?
Vitamin C is one of the most important antioxidant vitamins, and a very different duty free radicals (oxidants) has the ability to neutralize. Therefore, strengthening the immune system, is effective in cancer prevention and heart health. In addition, the activation of some important vitamins and minerals and also responsible for absorption. The most important of these is therefore very effective in removing iron and anemia. Another feature of interest to us all the vitamin C in the production of collagen, ie, hair, nail, skin and gums are important for the health
Which vitamins are most important....
Thirteen vitamins we need through health, nine of them soluble in water, and four are soluble in oil or fat.
Water soluble vitamins include vitamin B complex and vitamin C. The body is generally not retain significant amounts of these vitamins because they are rapidly excreted from the body, and therefore, every day should be taken in with food. Possibility of hypervitaminosis is relatively small because any excess is excreted rapidly from the body in urine.
Oil soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) is well absorbed, respectively, over the hose introduced into the body. However, this transfer can significantly disrupt the digestive system disease, biliary system and pancreas. These vitamins may very well remain in the body, usually in the liver and adipose tissue. Their excess is reflected as hypervitaminosis, whose consequences may be an imbalance and disease.
We must bear in mind that under certain conditions a greater need for vitamins. It is primarily about growth and development, convalescence, pregnancy, lactation and stress. In these cases, the increased needs for certain vitamins must be content with the introduction of the daily meals of large quantities of foods that contain a particular vitamin or by taking vitamin preparations.
The rapid pace of the modern way of life often does not leave enough time for proper nutrition which leads to fatigue, lack of energy, and sometimes the appearance of other ailments and health disorders. Therefore, it is sometimes necessary to compensate for lack of which causes unhealthy diet vitamin supplements.
However, when taking any vitamins, caution is needed. Excessive intake can disrupt the natural balance of nutrients, certain vitamins (A, D, E and K) can be toxic. However, most of them melt in water and organisms are excreted in urine.
British scientists have even posted a warning in which they pointed out that regular intake of some vitamin supplements may have caused some health problems.
They point out that the biggest problem in the excesses. Some people are not taking account of the prescribed doses taken vitamin supplements, with the assumption, if vitamins are good for health, the more you take them the better. That's not true. Particular attention should turn to women during pregnancy or who are taking certain other medications.
However, some nutritionists say that vitamin supplements are necessary, such as Dr Ann Walker of the British Information Centre for health vitamin supplements: "Vitamins, minerals and dietary supplements not only have proven health benefits, but are essential for maintaining good health, they the bridge over the food gap that many people create their poor eating habits, which often lack essential vitamins and minerals. "
In any case, it would be best before taking vitamin supplements, consult a doctor or a nutritionist who will be based on your personal needs and eating habits to determine which vitamins and what are the best
for you.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Utility and sources of vitamins
Vitamin A (Retinol)
Vitamin A helps in proper functioning of vision, genital organs - reproduction, skin and has been cancer.
Vitamin A Sources: Milk, yogurt, cheese, spinach, carrots, eggs, liver, green vegetables.
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
Vitamin B1 helps in proper functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular system, skin, the correct metabolism of carbohydrates.
Sources of Vitamin B1: Lean pork, liver, soybeans, nuts, milk, eggs, cereals, wholemeal bread, husked rice, vegetables.
Vitamin B2 (Pivoflavini)
Vitamin B2 helps in proper functioning of the nervous system and gut, skin, rapid healing of wounds in the eye.
Vitamin B2 Sources: Liver, eggs, milk, cheese, mushrooms, flour, beans, chicken, green vegetables.
Vitamin B3 (pantothenic acid)
Vitamin B3 helps in proper functioning of the nervous system and endocrine glands. It also helps maintain normal blood glucose levels and proper metabolism of carbohydrates.
Vitamin B3 Sources: Liver, wheat flour, husked rice, nuts, mushrooms, soy, salmon, eggs, pulses.
Vitamin B6 (Pyrodoxini)
Vitamin B6 helps the formation of hemoglobin, the proper functioning of the nervous system, the correct metabolism of fats and proteins, the synthesis of antibodies.
Vitamin B6 Sources: Rice, wheat, beef, eggs, beans, avocado, banana, corn, fish, nuts, chicken, soy, milk, vegetables.
Vitamin B12 (Kovamalines)
Vitamin B12 helps in the formation of red blood cells, maintaining the integrity of the nervous tissue, metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
Vitamin B12 Sources: Liver, red meat, fish, eggs, cheese, milk, yogurt, poultry, legumes, vegetables.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
Vitamin C helps in proper absorption of iron in the prophylaxis of infections, fever, cold, detoxify the body to strengthen teeth and bones and has anticancer activity.
Vitamin B12 Sources: Orange, grapefruit, lemon, pepper, celery, parsley, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, tomato, banana, berries, cherries and fruit in general.
Folic Acid
Folic acid helps form red blood cells in the nervous and reproductive disorders in the treatment of leukemia and cancer.Sources of folic acid: Liver, kidneys, avocados, beans, celery, eggs, fish, green leafy vegetables, spinach, walnuts, orange, soy, legumes.
Choline helps protect the liver from fatty degeneration, nerve impulses in the transition, facilitate metabolism.
Choline Sources: Eggs, liver, soybeans, potatoes, cabbage, wheat, cereals, husked rice
Biotin helps metabolize fats and carbohydrates.
Biotin Sources: Eggs, liver, beef, cereals.
Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol)
Vitamin D helps in the formation of bones and teeth and the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus.
Sources of Vitamin D: Eggs, milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, liver.
Vitamin E (Tocopherol)
Vitamin E has antioxidant properties, helps produce red blood cells and has antitumor activity.
Sources of vitamin E: Olive oil, bread, cereal, eggs, red meat, liver.
Vitamin K (quinone)
Vitamin K helps blood to clot.
Sources of vitamin K: Cereals, fruits, spinach, green leafy vegetable.
Niacin helps metabolize the food in maintaining a healthy nervous system and skin health.
Sources of niacin: Liver, kidney, lean meats, chicken, fish, rabbit, nuts, milk, cheese, eggs.
Pantothenic acid
Pantothenic acid helps in the synthesis of hormones and the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins
Sources of pantothenic acid: Beef, liver, legumes, eggs, cereals.
Monday, April 9, 2012
VAD, lack or abuse
Vitamins are substances the body requires for normal development. The lack or excess thereof, caused by poor diet or abuse of food supplements, can cause diseases known generically as VAD.
Today attention is often on the importance of vitamins, and many food products are marketed under the slogan: "vitamin enriched" so that we attribute to a value that these substances, although justified, often excessive.
Unfortunately, some people forget that a balanced diet itself provides all the nutrients we need, and only in special cases it is advisable to reinforce a product to complete the diet, on the contrary, powders and capsules make their base in food and ingest fast food off the clock, waiting for their food supplement, often supplied in excess, meet your needs.
At the other extreme are individuals who try to reach an ideal of beauty are deprived of their daily meals with the idea that eating less, your shape lose weight gradually up to a stereotype aesthetic, not noticing that unbalancing the diet and foster the emergence of diseases.
It is true that living things like plants, fungi and microorganisms are able to produce vitamins by themselves, but not humans, we need a balanced diet that includes products from all food groups, to ensure that there is stability and avoid organic disorders associated with these substances, known as VAD. There are three known types:
Avitaminosis, when there is a total lack or more vitamins.
Hypovitaminosis, there is partial lack of vitamins.
Hypervitaminosis , if any excess of one or more vitamins.
Vitamins are divided into two groups according to whether they are capable of dissolving in water (soluble) or fat (fat soluble). In the first group we find vitamin C and B complex, and the second to vitamins A, E, D and K, of course, is easier to have hypervitaminosis of the latter, since being poorly soluble in water are also difficult to remove the urine.
Following are the effects generated by the excess and deficiency of each of these vitamins in the human organism.
Not much to burn the saint ...
The hypervitaminosis are less frequent, and its main cause is the excessive consumption of food supplements or multivitamins with the aim of increasing weight or increase muscle mass. They are even less common in water-soluble, since the excess is eliminated naturally through the urine.
Vitamin B 1. Thiamine, aneurin or antiberibérica helps release energy from fat. There are no reported side effects of excessive consumption.
Vitamin B 2. Also called riboflavin, helps you gain energy and is important for the maintenance of mucous membranes and skin. Nor are records of adverse effects by ingesting too much.
Vitamin B 3. Known as niacin, nicotinic acid, or vitamin PP antipelagrosa factor helps to get energy from food, improves blood circulation and helps maintain skin, tongue and digestive and nervous systems. It is sometimes best taken in doses 200 times the daily amount suberiores recommended to control high levels of blood fats, and in such circumstances may cause severe redness, lesions of the liver, skin disorders, gout, ulcers and impaired tolerance to lactose (milk sugar).
Vitamin B 5. Also known as pantothenic acid or vitamin W, is necessary for the synthesis of stress hormones, fatty acid utilization, antibody formation and transformation of toxic substances. Its not cause excessive damage.
Vitamin B 6. Pyridoxine is linked to the development of transmitter substances used by the nervous system. Although it comes to prescribing in bulk for addressing problems in tendons, nerves or premenstrual tension, can damage the nerve endings and even the spinal cord.
Vitamin B 8. It is known as vitamin H or biotin, and is involved in reactions that produce energy and the assimilation of certain fats, it is necessary for growth and proper functioning of skin, hair, sebaceous glands, sweat and sexual. No reported problems from smoking too much.
Vitamin B 9. More popular under the name of folic acid, is involved in the proper development of an essential component of DNA and RNA, thymidine, and also helps in the production of blood cells. At doses 100 times greater than the amount required may increase the frequency of seizures in epileptics and exacerbate neuronal injury in people with vitamin B12 deficiency.
Vitamin B12. It is also called cobalamin and is involved in the synthesis of DNA, RNA and proteins, as well as the formation of red blood cells is also needed to maintain the energy supply of the muscles. No effects have been reported by excessive drinking.
Vitamin C. The ascorbic acid or antiscorbutic is an antioxidant that also helps the generation of tissues, stimulates the defense against infection and is essential in the production of stress hormones produced by glands subrarrenales. Ingestion of large amounts may cause stones (presence of calculi or stones within the kidneys or urinary tract).
For its part, hypervitaminosis of liposoluble is more common, because they are stored in the liver and are more difficult to use, so that its excess amount is not removed with ease.
Vitamin. Known as retinol, beta-carotene or antixeroftálmica, is an antioxidant that eliminates free radicals (molecules that accelerate the aging of cells), slows the deterioration of tissues and is essential for the regeneration of rhodopsin, whose decomposition by light enables the vision of Eye. However, excessive drinking causes peeling of the skin, hair loss, weakness, shortness of breath and vomiting.
Vitamin D. Also known as antirachitic calciferol or regulates the intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus and hence bone stability. If you are in excess in the body produces digestive disorders (vomiting or diarrhea), and calcium accumulation in kidney, liver, heart or other organs.
Vitamin E. Also known as tocopherol or entiestéril, has antioxidant and protective activity apparently plays for certain fat molecules. So far, no adverse effects reported by excessive intake.
Call naphthoquinone vitamin K, phytonadione or antihemorrhagic, participates in the mechanism of blood clotting, no consumer is required because the bacterial flora produced in sufficient quantities. Also abuse it has no side effects.
Not too little ... not shine
Hypovitaminosis, or vitamin deficiency, may be due to unbalanced diet, inadequate diet for weight loss, anorexia and bulimia problems, liver disease or malabsorption of nutrients in the intestine due to congenital problems, parasites or alcoholism , among other factors.
Hypovitaminosis not presented as a single deficiency in one vitamin, but always generated together. That is, if some of the water soluble vitamins (C and B complex), there are few others of its kind, the same way, if insufficient, some soluble (A, D, E, K) is accompanied by the lack of their similar .
It is more common to find low levels of water soluble vitamins contained in vegetables (cereals, vegetables and fruit), as fast food, common in the current diet, side makes these products. Its characteristic features are:
Vitamin B 1. Its lack produces neuronal degeneration, muscle weakness, tenderness, loss of reflexes, heart failure, lack of appetite, edema (swelling soft formed by excessive amount of fluid in tissues) and, in extreme cases, death. This symptom picture is known as beriberi. It abounds in grain husks, which is in an inactive form (thiamine).
Vitamin B 2. Deficiency of this vitamin, although rare, causes dermatitis and mucosal lesions (tongue, lips, cornea and, mainly, in corners of the mouth). It is almost all foods, but mainly in dairy, meat, fish and birds.
Vitamin B 3. At low amounts can cause pellagra, a disease characterized by dermatitis, diarrhea and dementia. May be due to feed corn that is not treated through nixtamalization, as this vitamin is "encapsulated" and is only released through this process. To meet the needs of the body should include foods derived from yeast fermentation (cheese, beer), meat, milk, sesame and fish.
Vitamin B 5. Its deficit causes the syndrome of "burning feet" (pain, burning and throbbing in these limbs), but can also generate nerve and circulatory disorders. It is found in all meats (especially liver), vegetables and fruits.
Vitamin B 6. The lack of this substance produces anemia, depression, seizures, fatigue, swelling of the peripheral nerves and skin disorders. To prevent failure should eat liver, chicken, cod, salmon, cheese, oatmeal, egg, avocado and potato.
Vitamin B 8. Low amounts of this element generated dermatitis, muscle aches, anemia and increased blood cholesterol. Animals get this nutrient through the activity of the bacterial flora of the bowel wall. Also found in liver, nuts, peanut butter, beans, egg yolks and cauliflower.
Vitamin B 9. Children who lack this substance have low resistance to disease and are stopped growing, while adults suffer from anemia, irritability, insomnia, memory loss and impaired defenses. Found in vegetables, liver, eggs and milk.
Vitamin B 12. Its scarcity and abnormality resulting in decreased formation of red blood cells in cases of extreme deficiency can occur psychosis, nerve degeneration, abnormal menstrual cycle, sores on the tongue and excessive pigmentation in the hands of people of color. Is included only in animal foods like red meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products, so it is common for people suffering from this hypovitaminosis vegetarian.
Vitamin C. Increasingly rare, its lack produces scurvy, a condition characterized by swelling and bleeding gums, in extreme cases, tooth loss, also bleeding may occur in very thin bloodstream (capillaries) that become fragile and more likely to infections. It is abundant in citrus fruits, vegetables and milk.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Vitamin B6 for mood disorders
Vitamin B6 for mood disorders
The B complex vitamins contain a variety of interesting properties in regard to particular brain function, but that would have the greatest impact on everything related to neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin, in short, to connections that have an impact on our mood, what is vitamin B6. It is also prescribed for women with significant symptoms of mood disorders during PMS.
Vitamin B6 also ensures adequate oxygenation of the brain, a good immune defense and is a powerful antioxidant that helps rid the body of toxic substances we eat.
But this vitamin, found in our diet, could help more people than you think .
The B complex vitamins contain a variety of interesting properties in regard to particular brain function, but that would have the greatest impact on everything related to neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin, in short, to connections that have an impact on our mood, what is vitamin B6. It is also prescribed for women with significant symptoms of mood disorders during PMS.
Vitamin B6 also ensures adequate oxygenation of the brain, a good immune defense and is a powerful antioxidant that helps rid the body of toxic substances we eat.
But this vitamin, found in our diet, could help more people than you think .
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