An apple a day may keep us from becoming sick because of the vitamin C, but vitamin C is also important for the health and quality of our skin. If you are surprised to hear that the Vitamin C skin care is becoming all the rage lately, do not. There are a couple of great reasons why vitamin C skin care products are on the rise, such as:
It is a natural antioxidant. What does it mean for you? This means that your skin is protected by the pollutants,toxins and other environmental factors that can be damaging to our skin and causes it to age prematurely. Vitamin C for our skin, much as its within our bodies, acts as a kind of "first defense" against the toxins.
It contains collagen. Collagen, as most women are aware by now, is an ingredient that can help prevent the appearance of aging. Vitamin C is important because it facilitates the creation, maintenance, and stability of collagen. So if you want the collagen in your body to perform properly, be sure to get a healthy dose of vitamin C
Now before you invest in a bag of oranges and apples to eat to help improve your skin, remember that although vitamin C is important in the body, when you ingest products with vitamin C your skin will not reap the benefits of Vitamin C as it would be the vitamin C is applied topically to the skin.
Eat lots of vitamin C really does not boost the level of vitamin C that reaches your skin. That is why it is important to invest in skin care products vitamin C so you can reap the benefits of this important vitamin.
Except with the anti-aging properties, include some other benefits to vitamin C skin care:
- Natural sunscreen protection against UVA and UVB rays
- Reducing the redness of the skin (this is great for those with rosacea)
- Avoiding the creation of abnormal skin cells, thus reducing your risk of skin cancer
In summary, using a Vitamin C skin care products are really the true age of the fighter as prevent signs of aging in a natural and effective way.
If you are interested in trying the Vitamin C skin care products, why not try making your own? You can make your very own vitamin C skin care treatments with only a little vitamin C powder (any where from 1/8 to ¼ of a teaspoon) and aloe vera gel. Take one of aloe vera gel dopple and add powdered vitamin C.
Once you have mixed the two ingredients in each one, apply it in your face as you would any skin cream. You can use this skin care vitamin C treatment in the morning or at night before you go to bed. It is also a good aftershave lotion that for men and women alike, so be sure to share the saving skin secret to your wife.
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