
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Classification of vitamins

Vitamins are classified as water soluble (easily dissolved in water) and fat-soluble (soluble in fats and absorbed in the intestine by means of lipid). Water-soluble vitamins are usually easily distinguished by the body. Each vitamin is typically involved in many reactions that can have many functions.

Name                   Vitamery                                                                 Solubility

Vitamin A                   Retinoids (retinol, retinoids, carotenoids)                 Fat-soluble
Vitamin B 1           Thiamine                                                                 Water-soluble
Vitamin B 2           Riboflavin                                                         Water-soluble
Vitamin B 3           Niacin, nicotinic acid, nicotinamide                         Water-soluble
Vitamin B 5           Pantothenic acid                                                 Water-soluble
Vitamin B 6           Pyridoxine, pyridoxal, pirydoksamin                 Water-soluble
Vitamin B 7           Biotin                                                                 Water-soluble
Vitamin B 9           Folic acid                                                         Water-soluble
Vitamin B 12           Cobalamin                                                         Water-soluble
Vitamin C                   Ascorbic acid                                                         Water-soluble
Vitamin D                   Erhokaltsyferol, kolekaltsyferol (cholecalciferol) Fat-soluble
Vitamin E                   Tocopherols, tokotriyenoly                                 Fat-soluble
Vitamin K                  Naphthoquinone                                                 Fat-soluble

Vitamin B 1 (thiamine) found in yeast, germs and membranes of wheat, oats, buckwheat, and in bread made ​​from flour plain flour. The daily adult requirement of vitamin B 1 is 1.5-2 mg. Preparations of vitamin B group 1 is not only specific "antyhipovitaminoznymy" means. They actively affect different functions of the body, interfering with metabolism and neuro-reflex regulation of affect of nervous excitement at cholinergic synapses. Active (coenzyme) form of vitamin B 1 is its phosphorylated derivatives - tiamindyfosfat (kokarboksilaza), which is involved in decarboxylation reactions as prosthetic parts decarboxylase and several other enzymes that play an important role in carbohydrate and energy metabolism, especially the nervous and muscular tissues. For medical purposes, use products containing synthetic thiamine in the form of bromide or chloride, kokarboksilaza and others. In addition to preventive and therapeutic action in the appropriate hypo-and avitaminosis ("beriberi"), indications for use of vitamin B 1 is neuritis, sciatica, neuralgia, peripheral paralysis. Kokarboksilaza widely used in cardiology. In dermatological practice, Vitamin B 1 administered in Medicine neurogenic origin sverblyachtsi different aetiology, pyoderma, eczema, psoriasis.

Vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin) tissues of animals is not formed. Its synthesis in nature is only microorganisms. Requirements humans and animals in it are provided intestinal microflora, from cyanocobalamin enters the bodies accumulate in largest amounts in kidney, liver, intestine wall. Biologically active (coenzyme) form of vitamin B 12 is methyl and 5-dezoksyadenozil-cobalamin. The main function - part of relocation of mobile methyl groups and hydrogen. Cyanocobalamin has many pharmacological properties. It is a factor that stimulates growth and hematopoiesis, affects the liver and nervous system, activates blood clotting, the exchange of carbohydrates and lipids involved in the synthesis of various amino acids. For use as a product of vitamin B 12 obtained by microbial synthesis, and use products derived from the liver of animals, the body is able to deposit it. Cyanocobalamin is a highly effective tool that helps with malignant anemia, postgemorragicheskih (iron), nutritional and other types of anemia. Assign it as in radiation sickness, liver (Botkin's disease, hepatitis, cirrhosis), in certain diseases of the nervous system infections and others.

Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin) in the human body comes mainly from meat and dairy products. It is widely distributed in plant and animal world and found in yeast, whey, egg whites, meat, fish, liver, peas, peel and germs of cereals. Also obtained synthetically. Daily requirement for vitamin B 2 for adults is 1.5-2 mg. The biological role of vitamin B 2 , as well as other water soluble vitamins associated with its substrate participation in the formation of the corresponding coenzyme. When the riboflavin in the body interacts with adenosine acid and forms a flavin mononucleotide and flavinadenin-dynukleotyd. Both are part of the enzyme prosthetic flavinproteyiniv involved in the transport of protons and regulation of redox processes. Thus, riboflavin plays an important role in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism in the maintenance of normal visual function of the eye (part of the visual purple and protects the retina from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation). In treatment for vitamin B 2 is used for hypo-and aryboflavinozi, conjunctivitis, keratitis, corneal ulcer, cataract, with long healing wounds and ulcers, general malnutrition, radiation sickness, fatigue, disturbances of bowel function, Botkin's disease and other diseases .

Activity of vitamin B 6 with pyridine derivatives: pyridoxine, pyridoxal, pirydoksamin that differ from each other substituents at position 4 (respectively metoksyl, formyl, methylamine). Vitamin B 6 found in plants and animal organs, especially in the raw grains of cereals, in vegetables, meat, fish, milk, cod liver and cattle, egg yolk, yeast. Daily demand adult it is 2 mg and met some food, some synthesis of intestinal microflora. Pyridoxine (pyridoxal, pirydoksamin) Entering into the body, phosphorylated, converted to pyridoxal-5-phosphate and in this form catalyzes the decarboxylation and transamination of amino acids. It is necessary for normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system. Apply vitamin B6 in B6, vitamin deficiencies, toxemia of pregnancy, anemia, leukopenia different etiology, nervous system diseases (Parkinson, radiculitis, neuritis, neuralgia), some skin diseases are others.

Folic acid (Vitamin B 9 ) is a group of vitamin C. It is found in fresh vegetables (beans, spinach, tomatoes, etc..) and in the liver and kidneys of animals. In humans, also produced intestinal microflora. For medical purposes (including for intoxication caused by anticancer drugs) use synthetic folic acid. Folic acid itself is inactive. In the body it is reduced to tetrahydrofolic that is a coenzyme of many metabolic processes. First, it catalyzes the transfer of single-carbon fragments in the synthesis of purines and pyrimidines, and therefore necessary for the formation of RNA and DNA . Its deficit gives mitotic division of cells, their maturation and function. Lack of folate (and vitamin B 12 ) leads to mehaloblastychnoyi anemia. Her medications prescribed for macrocytic and pernicious (along with vitamin B 12 ) anemia.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) found in significant amounts in rose hips, cabbage, lemon, orange, radish, berries, pine needles, etc.. A small amount of it found in liver, brain, muscles of animals. For medical purposes, vitamin C obtained synthetically. Under normal conditions the daily adult requirement of ascorbic acid is 70-100 mg, its main effects due to participation in the regulation of redox processes as ascorbic acid easily becomes dehydroascorbic and back, giving or accepting two protons (oxidizing or restoring appropriate substrate) . Vitamin C activates the activity of endocrine glands, regulates all types of metabolism, blood clotting, tissue regeneration, the formation of steroid hormones, collagen synthesis, capillary permeability, and others. Ascorbic acid , showing a stimulating effect on the body as a whole increases its adaptive capacity, resistance to infections. Vitamin C is added to certain anti-inflammatory and other finished dosage forms.

Group combines fat-soluble vitamins vitamin A , vitamin D , vitamin E and vitamin K.

The biological role of fat-soluble vitamins is largely due to their participation in ensuring the normal functional state of the cell, cytoplasmic membranes.

Vitamin A and its synthetic analogues and homologues referred to as retinoids - derivatives of retinoic acid. Biologically active forms of vitamin A is retinol, retinal and retinoic acid itself. Vitamin A (retinol) found in animal products - fish oil, butter, egg yolk, liver, some fish (cod, sea bass, etc..) and marine animals (whale, walrus, seal). In plant foods retinol is not found. However, many of them (carrots, spinach, lettuce, parsley, chives, sorrel, red pepper, black currants, blueberries, gooseberries, peaches, apricots, etc.). Contain carotene, which is a provitamin A, from which the body is formed retinol . Vitamin A regulates cornification process, the formation and release of fat in the skin (sebaceous glands secret), is required for normal hair growth, support immunity participates in antitumor defense of the body. Retinal controls the light and color, retinol and retinoic acid are involved in the synthesis of vitamin A-dependent glycoprotein. In medical practice using preparations containing vitamin A , natural origin (eg, fish oil) and synthetic (retinol acetate and retinol palmitate). Preparations of vitamin A administered in prophylactic and therapeutic doses. Prophylactic dose setting based on the daily needs of the human body: Adult - 1 mg, for pregnant women and lactating women - 1,2-1,4 mg for children depending on age - from 0.4 to 1 mg treatment - for indicators. The main indications are hypo-and avitaminosis A, some eye diseases, diseases and lesions of the skin (frostbite, burns, wounds, etc.).. Apply them as in the treatment of rickets, malnutrition, acute respiratory diseases, to prevent the formation of concretions in the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract, and others.

Vitamin D is currently called the two fat-soluble, similar in chemical structure and action of matter - erhokaltsyferol (vitamin D 2 ) and kolekaltsyferol (vitamin D3) . The main feature of these compounds is the ability to prevent and treat rickets, because of what they are sometimes called antyrahitychnymy vitamins. Vitamin D 2 in a small amount found in foods: egg yolk, butter, milk, caviar, plants. Vitamin D 3 is formed in human skin under the influence of sunlight. Provitamin kolekaltsyferolu is 7-dehidroholesterol. On the biological activity of vitamin D 2 and vitamin D 3 little different, because the body both are likely to turn into calcitriol - an active metabolite of vitamin D . We prove the existence of tissue specific receptor ligand to contain calcitriol.

The main feature of vitamin D is its participation in the metabolism of calcium. It promotes the absorption of calcium in the digestive tract, activates its deposition in the bones and prevents the resorption of bone. At this time, vitamin D viewed not only as a vitamin, but also as a hormone that regulates, together with the hormone parathyroid gland calcium ion concentration in blood plasma. Vitamin D also regulates the content of phosphorus in the body. Apply vitamin D for prevention and treatment of rickets and bone disease caused by impaired calcium metabolism (osteomalacia and some forms of osteoporosis).

Under the name Vitamin E is known series compounds (tocopherols), similar in chemical nature and biological effects. The most active of these is D-alpha-tocopherol. Tocopherols are in the green parts of plants, especially in young seedlings of cereals rich in tocopherols vegetable oils (sunflower, cotton, corn, peanut, soy, sea buckthorn). Some of them also in meat, fat, eggs, milk. Vitamin E is an endogenous antioxidant factor (antioxidant), which inhibits lipid peroxidation of cell membranes. Participates in the biosynthesis of heme and proteins, cell proliferation in tissue respiration and other vital processes of cellular metabolism. Synthetic preparation of vitamin E (tocopherol acetate) , along with other antioxidants used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, eye diseases, and others. Wide application of tocopherol acetate found in senior practice. Vitamin E is prescribed for muscular dystrophy, dermatomyositis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, menstrual irregularities, the threat of abortion and others.

In some cases, vitamins mutually reinforce the physiological effects associated with them, so reducing the influence of vitamin P on vascular permeability increasing ascorbic acid, mutually enhanced stimulation of hematopoiesis cyanocobalamin and folic acid.

In some cases, the combined use of reduced toxicity of vitamins such as vitamin D is better tolerated on the background of vitamin A . However, vitamins can also show antagonistic properties: nicotinic acid inhibits the lipotropic action of choline. Actively participating in various biochemical processes, vitamins in their combination exhibit more severe and diverse biological effects. Produced a large number of domestic and foreign combined vitamin preparations in various dosage forms: tablets, effervescent tablets, pills, capsules, syrups. Many of them - multi - containing a large collection of not only vitamins, but also a variety of macro-and microelements (copper, iron, zinc, cobalt, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, chromium,etc.

Effects of vitamin E

There is a link between vitamin E and tissue respiration and inverse relationship between vitamin E and the degree of oxidation of lipids.

Tocopherols play an important role in the metabolism of selenium. Selenium is known to be an integral part of glutathione peroxidase - an enzyme that protects the membrane from the ravages of peroxide radicals. The biological role of vitamin is reduced to prevent avtookyslennya lipid biomembranes and the possible need to reduce glutathione peroxidase required for the destruction of peroxides which are formed in cells. Participation of tocopherols in the mechanism of transport of electrons and protons, regulating the process of transcription of genes role in the metabolism ubihinoniv studied.

Vitamin E improves blood circulation, helpful for premenstrual syndrome and the treatment of fibrotic diseases of the breast.

It provides normal blood clotting and healing, reduces scarring from some wounds, reduces blood pressure, helps prevent cataracts, improves athletic achievement, removes judicial feet, supports a healthy state of nerves and muscles, strengthens capillary walls, prevents anemia .

As an antioxidant vitamin E protects cells against damage, slows the oxidation of lipids (fats) and the formation of free radicals, destroying most reactive oxygen species. It protects other fat-soluble vitamins from destruction by oxygen, promotes the absorption of vitamin A. Vitamin E slows the aging process of the body, may prevent the formation of senile pigmentation.

Vitamin E is involved in the formation of collagen and elastic fibers intercellular substance. Tocopherol prevents increased blood clotting, positive effect on peripheral circulation, is involved in the biosynthesis of heme and proteins, cell proliferation, the formation of gonadotropins and development of the placenta.

In 1997, confirmed the ability of vitamin E alleviate Alzheimer's disease and diabetes, as well as improve immune function.

However, be aware that vitamin E plays a preventive role - it can not restore existing damage. Members of some studies that have not found any anticancerogenic effect of vitamin E, for many years burned and treated indifferently to their health. No drugs or vitamins can not restore tissue damaged by many years of unhealthy lifestyle. For example, daily consumption of 400 IU of vitamin E may prevent the transformation of nitrites (substances that are present in pickled and smoked foods) into carcinogenic nitrosamines, but does not convert nitrosamines in nitrite.

The effectiveness of vitamin E increased in the presence of other nutrients, antioxidants. Its anti-cancer effect increases the vitamin C.

Ensuring the child's body vitamin E depends not only on its content in foods and intestinal suction function, but the level of so-called unsaturated fatty acids in the diet and general state of lipid metabolism. In the womb, the fetus receives tocopherol from the maternal organism. Content in the blood during pregnancy, usually 1.5-2 times higher than in non-pregnant women. But due to the fact that a large number of tocopherol retained placenta, which contains it in 2-3 times more than the tissue of the fetus, the child is born in a state of "physiological" deficiency of vitamin E. Early application to the breast promotes rapid replenishment tocopherol content in plasma of the newborn due to its revenues from outside. This is another advantage of breastfeeding.

Additional input tocopherol in the form of drugs increases the overall reactivity of the child, the natural resistance of children to infectious diseases.

Light, oxygen and heat are factors able after prolonged storage or during cooking destroy vitamin.

In some products the content of tocopherol may decrease by half after only two weeks of storage at room temperature. Number of vitamin E in vegetable oils significantly reduced as a result of roasting. So always give preference to fresh food and oil is better used as a salad, but not for frying.

The main functions performed by vitamin E in humans :

protects cells from damage by free radicals (acts as an antioxidant)
involved in the biosynthesis of heme
prevent blood clots
involved in the synthesis of hormones
supports immunity
has antykantserohennyy effect
ensure the normal functioning of muscles

What is nutrition?

In the eyes of a dietitian, many people in our time, lose all reason when it comes to the consumption of food and beverages. Power in itself serves the purpose of maintenance metabolism, but does this mean that eating, every time a person has to take care of metabolism, rather than to satisfy hunger or catering requests? And what a layman would know about such a balance in your body?

We know that we must eat to live, not to live to eat! Satisfaction of food a person can get and keeping elaborate diet. In this respect, we perhaps might envy, and our remote ancestors who lived "closer" to her and the natural environment. Now, all rely on modern culture, requiring more and more consideration of factors that affect the human body. Food culture in our time developing on the basis of scientific principles.

Proper nutrition is from this position means power management, an adequate life, health status, in other words, the individual needs of the person. It serves as a guarantee for the maintenance and preservation of health. Let us list briefly the main principles of rational adequate nutrition.

Body's need for basic food ingredients is determined by age, sex, nature of human activity, climatic conditions, physiological state (in particular, women - pregnancy, lactation in nursing mothers, and others), on the one hand, and the total energy value of food, on the other .

Requirements for the balance of power in a ratio determined by the optimum intake of nutrients - proteins (B), fat (F), carbohydrates (Y). In drawing up the daily diet is achieved as a balance him on a number of indicators such as the amino acid composition, the ratio of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, mineral composition, etc. According to the formula of a balanced diet (by A. Pokrovsky), if we take 100 grams of protein per unit , the optimal ratio of B: F: V (by weight) should be 1:1:4, with employment in heavy physical labor - 1:1,3:5. With a sedentary lifestyle (eg, employees of the institutions, cabinet "hermits") - 1:1,1:4,1.

Distribution of food intake during the day (the energy value, composition and weight). This so-called diet, compliance with which is especially important because of its systematic violation leads to chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines of many people. Few aware of the fact that a variety of ailments, not just constipation and headaches can be caused by bad diet. All is not convinced that the correct diet begins with the observance of the regularity of the chair, and it contributes to the correct mode again. Regular chair - the best and obvious evidence that the digestive functions of the body are normal.

A variety of foods and dishes in your diet - another principle of rational adequate nutrition. But we should not increase the amount of breakfast is not recommended to excessive fluid intake, you should not use the liquid first meal for breakfast. If the meal is eaten the first dish volume, it is combined with small portions of dishes not to overload the stomach. Useful combination of vegetable dishes with cereal. Avoid soft drinks during dinner, this leads to the excitation of the nervous system, which is not recommended just before bedtime.

Amazing qualities of the herbs

On the incredible qualities of the plant known in the days of ancient Rome. In herbal medicine today has more than 600 names of medicinal herbs. However, treatment plants are not always the case indefinitely and safely as you might think. Before starting treatment you should seriously consider the possibility of side effects and the true potentials of herbal medicine.

Some people believe that herbs are safe because they have a natural origin, however this is very misleading. So many plants, such as celandine, such as intoxication, a fighter, and many others - are highly toxic. Toxicity may occur with overdoses and relatively safe plant species.

For example, the excessive passion valerian can cause nervous disorders, St. John's wort - the problems of the gastrointestinal tract. So the choice of route of administration and dosage should be left to the professional for which herbal medicine is a profession.

When the grass is chosen, do not buy it from strangers, as the healing properties of herbs will depend on many factors, such as the time of collection, location, storage conditions, so it's best to buy it at the pharmacy, do not forget to check only the expiration date. Often, herbal therapy is especially effective for chronic diseases. In diseases of the lungs, kidneys, liver, stomach and heart.

If you have decided to collect the grass, then it must be remembered that each herb has its time of collection, weather conditions and even depends on the lunar day, so you need to use special handbooks. And the most important condition - the grass should grow in the ecologically clean area.

Keep the grass must be in a paper bag in a dry, dark place is better. Infusions and decoctions should be put in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 days. And remember, what works for one person to another can be a poison. Selection of herbs should be taken into account all the individual features of the person and require mandatory consultation of the doctor!

Today it is fashionable to be healthy!

Which tricks do not resort only we modern women to look their best! Solarium, beauty parlor, sauna, spa treatments, trendy diet - our services all the new beauty industry! But look blooming, and a woman to be her - not the same thing. Do not we miss something important in the pursuit of outward signs of health? How often does your poor health, reluctance to climb out of bed, tired as usual, we explain the lack of sleep and nervous overloads! Colleagues note: "Yes, it's time you just on vacation!" But, after returning from a long-awaited vacation in two weeks, we again feel all the same symptoms. And feeling bad not gone anywhere! But we consider ourselves to be healthy! And which doctor to go with complaints of low mood, irritability and constant fatigue? This is the same as in the joke, "You would have complained to his salary!". And there is to complain at that. After all, we did not suspect that these seemingly "harmless" symptoms may be a manifestation of a serious malfunction of the body. And if they say that the eyes - a mirror of the soul, then we can say with confidence that our mood is a reflection of the endocrine, nervous and other body systems. Our body is designed so complicated that even a healthy woman's performance varies considerably depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. What can we say about the situation, when something went wrong! There is a hormonal imbalance - a situation where some hormones become more than you need, and others less. At the same time some agencies are beginning to work with explicit congestion, while others, on the contrary, "derelict." All this leads to various diseases. Most pathology for a long time does not manifest itself, to put it just fatigue and wanton mood swings. say that we women are protected from stress better than men. But what price we pay for it! Constant stress mercilessly beaten on the endocrine system, causing a malfunction of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and ovaries. We are paying the price with conditions such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, a variety of mastopathy, fibroadenomas and breast cysts, ovarian cysts , and even infertility! woman's body is designed fairly well, hormonal imbalance has arisen in the load on the internal organs is redistributed, they "rescue" each other, saving the whole body. How long can the body function normally in this mode of stress? That's for someone as lucky! It can be quite a trip to the south, so that all dormant sores woke up and made ​​themselves felt! But it also happens that a long time have nothing to worry about the same pathology over time become more persistent. And it was the early detection of such disorders significantly increases the chances of recovery of internal resources, without giving a dangerous process lead to an irreversible reorganization of the whole organism. We are a vicious circle: the constant lack of time forces us to put off a visit to the doctor, we have no time to go to specialists and tests. Miracle creams and salon treatment (for them that we do not regret the time!) Provide only a temporary effect of health. The root cause of asymptomatic disease is not eliminated, and violations are becoming more pronounced. A time to do a like was not, and no! such examples abound. Doctor tells Elena Sinitsyn, "The most typical situation, when a woman comes with complaints of fatigue, chronic fatigue, but it turns out that this anemia. However, anemia in a vacuum does not occur. Already during the conversation it becomes clear that a woman has irregular menstrual cycle, and after examination it becomes clear that the cause is a serious disease - fibroids, endometriosis , or leaking concealed masquerading as other diseases. " Another case from the practice of Elena Nikolaevna. A woman after her divorce from her husband (stress!) has an irregular menstrual cycle. The woman thought it was a sign of fatigue, and six years have not applied for assistance! She did not come herself, led her daughter was so weakened by this woman. It turned out that it took all these years of menstruation, it was nothing like the bleeding! They began to look for the cause, and that uterine fibroids, and is large enough. How often do we women pay attention to their natural biorhythms? Because the menstrual cycle, precise as a clock Queen - is the card a healthy woman! Only the combination of scientific knowledge and modern technology allows you to identify the resulting disturbances of the menstrual cycle when they have not given any outward manifestations of the disease. This is the best time to correct them! At the present stage of scientific development has created a unique program that best meets all the requirements of the modern woman. The "Women's Health," provides an opportunity as soon as possible (for 3-3.5 hours) for a complete survey of the whole organism. advantage of this program is a systematic approach to diagnosis. Therefore, after detailed discussion with the doctor assigned to one set of studies that will most accurately reflect the state of our body at the time of treatment. In addition to the diagnostic methods that are included in WHSD, held traditionally "female" research: ultrasound breast, pelvic, breast radiometry glands, blood tests for tumor markers, determination of hormonal status. This is not an exhaustive list of all the analyzes. Here, explore, even hair and nails! And all to make as complete a picture of the processes occurring in the body. At the final consultation gynecologist , we finally get the long-awaited answer to the question: "What is happening to us?" The doctor makes all the recommendations, as well as a written report with the results all studies. This conclusion can be accessed by physicians in other centers or clinics. However, in practice, this happens rarely! It plunged into an atmosphere of caring, feeling the highest level of training of doctors, warm and friendly attitude of all staff, and do not want to go somewhere else! Especially since the treatment regimen is unique and has no analogues not only in Moscow but also in Europe. Let's keep our health for many years, so that each woman was full of beauty, love and happiness! Source: Medical Center of Cybernetic Medicine