
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Today it is fashionable to be healthy!

Which tricks do not resort only we modern women to look their best! Solarium, beauty parlor, sauna, spa treatments, trendy diet - our services all the new beauty industry! But look blooming, and a woman to be her - not the same thing. Do not we miss something important in the pursuit of outward signs of health? How often does your poor health, reluctance to climb out of bed, tired as usual, we explain the lack of sleep and nervous overloads! Colleagues note: "Yes, it's time you just on vacation!" But, after returning from a long-awaited vacation in two weeks, we again feel all the same symptoms. And feeling bad not gone anywhere! But we consider ourselves to be healthy! And which doctor to go with complaints of low mood, irritability and constant fatigue? This is the same as in the joke, "You would have complained to his salary!". And there is to complain at that. After all, we did not suspect that these seemingly "harmless" symptoms may be a manifestation of a serious malfunction of the body. And if they say that the eyes - a mirror of the soul, then we can say with confidence that our mood is a reflection of the endocrine, nervous and other body systems. Our body is designed so complicated that even a healthy woman's performance varies considerably depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. What can we say about the situation, when something went wrong! There is a hormonal imbalance - a situation where some hormones become more than you need, and others less. At the same time some agencies are beginning to work with explicit congestion, while others, on the contrary, "derelict." All this leads to various diseases. Most pathology for a long time does not manifest itself, to put it just fatigue and wanton mood swings. say that we women are protected from stress better than men. But what price we pay for it! Constant stress mercilessly beaten on the endocrine system, causing a malfunction of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and ovaries. We are paying the price with conditions such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, a variety of mastopathy, fibroadenomas and breast cysts, ovarian cysts , and even infertility! woman's body is designed fairly well, hormonal imbalance has arisen in the load on the internal organs is redistributed, they "rescue" each other, saving the whole body. How long can the body function normally in this mode of stress? That's for someone as lucky! It can be quite a trip to the south, so that all dormant sores woke up and made ​​themselves felt! But it also happens that a long time have nothing to worry about the same pathology over time become more persistent. And it was the early detection of such disorders significantly increases the chances of recovery of internal resources, without giving a dangerous process lead to an irreversible reorganization of the whole organism. We are a vicious circle: the constant lack of time forces us to put off a visit to the doctor, we have no time to go to specialists and tests. Miracle creams and salon treatment (for them that we do not regret the time!) Provide only a temporary effect of health. The root cause of asymptomatic disease is not eliminated, and violations are becoming more pronounced. A time to do a like was not, and no! such examples abound. Doctor tells Elena Sinitsyn, "The most typical situation, when a woman comes with complaints of fatigue, chronic fatigue, but it turns out that this anemia. However, anemia in a vacuum does not occur. Already during the conversation it becomes clear that a woman has irregular menstrual cycle, and after examination it becomes clear that the cause is a serious disease - fibroids, endometriosis , or leaking concealed masquerading as other diseases. " Another case from the practice of Elena Nikolaevna. A woman after her divorce from her husband (stress!) has an irregular menstrual cycle. The woman thought it was a sign of fatigue, and six years have not applied for assistance! She did not come herself, led her daughter was so weakened by this woman. It turned out that it took all these years of menstruation, it was nothing like the bleeding! They began to look for the cause, and that uterine fibroids, and is large enough. How often do we women pay attention to their natural biorhythms? Because the menstrual cycle, precise as a clock Queen - is the card a healthy woman! Only the combination of scientific knowledge and modern technology allows you to identify the resulting disturbances of the menstrual cycle when they have not given any outward manifestations of the disease. This is the best time to correct them! At the present stage of scientific development has created a unique program that best meets all the requirements of the modern woman. The "Women's Health," provides an opportunity as soon as possible (for 3-3.5 hours) for a complete survey of the whole organism. advantage of this program is a systematic approach to diagnosis. Therefore, after detailed discussion with the doctor assigned to one set of studies that will most accurately reflect the state of our body at the time of treatment. In addition to the diagnostic methods that are included in WHSD, held traditionally "female" research: ultrasound breast, pelvic, breast radiometry glands, blood tests for tumor markers, determination of hormonal status. This is not an exhaustive list of all the analyzes. Here, explore, even hair and nails! And all to make as complete a picture of the processes occurring in the body. At the final consultation gynecologist , we finally get the long-awaited answer to the question: "What is happening to us?" The doctor makes all the recommendations, as well as a written report with the results all studies. This conclusion can be accessed by physicians in other centers or clinics. However, in practice, this happens rarely! It plunged into an atmosphere of caring, feeling the highest level of training of doctors, warm and friendly attitude of all staff, and do not want to go somewhere else! Especially since the treatment regimen is unique and has no analogues not only in Moscow but also in Europe. Let's keep our health for many years, so that each woman was full of beauty, love and happiness! Source: Medical Center of Cybernetic Medicine

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